Hope of Change

Hope of Change

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – B

Virgin Mother, Bride of Christ, Mother of God—these are rich, profound, true titles for Mary. But the Magnificat gives us another, one just as true and deep.

[T]he root of the name Mary is the Hebrew Miryam meaning “rebellion.” How fitting for a people called to be a people of God, often in conflict with political authorities, whose infant sons were at times systematically slain by alien rulers, to name their daughters “hope of change.” And indeed, the daughters of Zion have a rich heroic tradition. … From Genesis to Acts there is a line of women living lives of religious vitality, cultural integrity, and political involvement while performing deeds which powerfully transformed the nation of Israel and ultimately the modern world. (Ann Johnson, Miryam of Nazareth: Woman of Strength & Wisdom)

Rebel Daughter of God, blessed are you among women. Hope of Change for the world, pray for us. Share on X

Rebel Daughter of God, blessed are you among women. Hope of Change for the world, pray for us.


This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
Image credit: Photo by SHIRAZ HENRY on Unsplash.

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