We give thanks

We give thanks

Thanksgiving Day

It’s fitting we close this basic instruction manual for liturgical music ministry on the day we give thanks as a nation, for giving thanks is the core of what we do as Christians. It is what celebrating the Eucharist means. Through the Spirit poured into our hearts, we have the privilege and responsibility as music ministers to make of our entire lives a hymn of praise to the Father in Christ.

For the breath that fills our lungs to make a joyful noise, we give thanks. And when at life’s end our breath is spent, may our memory bless the Father who made us.

For our bodies that vibrate with the heartbeat of God, we give thanks and praise to the One in whom we live and move and have our being. Amen Share on X

For the hands that play and clap together, that cradle, touch, and hold the things that help us sing the Spirit’s song, we give thanks. And when those fingers no longer move as they must, may they shape and encourage, guide and teach, to help draw forth the music in others.

For the ears that hear the voice of Christ, who bids us attune our mind to his, we give thanks. And when we no longer perceive as clearly, may we listen more keenly with the ears of our hearts.

And for our bodies that vibrate with the heartbeat of God, we give thanks and praise to the One in whom we live and move and have our being. Amen.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
Image credit: cottonbro from Pexels.

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