Jesus led from the cross

Jesus led from the cross

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

We’ve explored some basic liturgical music skills, and with consistent attention, you will master these elements. But there’s one skill that will always challenge you. That is to lead as Jesus led from the cross.

As I became more adept at liturgical music, I believed my role was to serve the liturgy using the best our tradition could offer. I scoured our sacred music resources and chose what I thought were the most inspiring pieces showcasing our church’s treasures and our music ministers’ gifts. Each week I worked hard to get the people to sing and understand the liturgy.

lead like Jesus led from the cross is to be present to the ones you serve even when they reject you, share their pain, offer mercy in place of resentment, and love them more than the music, even more than the liturgy. Share on X

And when they didn’t, I sang louder. When they resisted, I stared them down. When they complained, disagreed, and rejected what I was doing, I grumbled about their ignorance, wielded my power, and barreled ahead without them.

As we honor Christ the King on this last Sunday of the liturgical year, I see how wrong I was and still am whenever I believe my purpose is to serve the liturgy instead of the people who pray the liturgy. To lead like Jesus led from the cross is to be present to the ones you serve even when they reject you, share their pain, offer mercy in place of resentment, and love them more than the music, even more than the liturgy. Love them more than yourself.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
Image credit: arturmarciniecphotos.

Read more reflections on the Sunday readings here:

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