Embrace the mystery of the Holy Spirit

Embrace the mystery of the Holy Spirit


How do you picture the Holy Spirit? We can imagine a haloed bird hovering or “tongues as of fire.” We can sense the Spirit as wind in its many forms: breath, breeze, gusts, air. But how do you describe a mystery?

Today’s feast gives us a way. Let us reflect on the varied images from the Pentecost sequence. Let these shape our own language about the Spirit in our homilies and intercessions. Let them inspire us in our singing to be conspirators—those who breathe with—in the work of the Spirit to renew the face of the earth.

Let us reflect on the varied images from the Pentecost sequence. Let these shape our own language about the Spirit in our homilies and intercessions. Let them inspire us in our singing to be conspirators—those who breathe with—in the… Share on X

Let this once-a-year song arouse the ear of our heart to listen to the Spirit’s voice every day that we may truly be led to follow Christ. May all these lenses, combined with our own experience of the Spirit’s power, reveal the mystery of God’s love that has been poured into our hearts, a mystery of love no words can fully describe.

Father of the poor . . . source of all good . . . comforter . . . guest . . . refreshment . . . rest . . . coolness in heat . . . solace . . . light . . . heart’s fullness . . . healer . . . strength . . . dew . . . changer of hearts . . . moving the immovable . . . warmth in the cold . . . guide for the lost . . . giver of gifts . . . salvation . . . never-ending joy.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
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Image credit: Arthur Savary, Unsplash, CC0.

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