Keep it simple this Triduum

Keep it simple this Triduum

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Last week we talked about avoiding historicizing the Triduum. When we try too hard to reenact the past, showing what we believe it to have looked like in the Upper Room, in the garden of Gethsemane, at Calvary, or the empty tomb, we run the risk of forgetting the point of the paschal mystery—Christ saves us now, here in our time, and draws us into the saving love of the Trinity that redeems all human history. When we use “props” to bring the Gospel to life instead of relying on the extraordinary power of ordinary liturgical symbols, we reduce the story of salvation to one moment in time.

Simple, natural, elegant, and genuine environment is always better than staged, historicized, otherworldly, or overly manufactured settings. There is great beauty in humble art and a simple space which reflect the humility of Jesus and… Share on X

Therefore, on Holy Thursday, do not decorate the place of reservation of the Blessed Sacrament as though it were a garden or a tomb, “for the chapel of repose is not prepared so as to represent the Lord’s burial but for the custody of the eucharistic bread that will be distributed in communion on Good Friday” (Paschale Solemnitatis #55). Remember this space is a chapel for prayer, not a theater. Simple, natural, elegant, and genuine environment is always better than staged, historicized, otherworldly, or overly manufactured settings. There is great beauty in humble art and a simple space which reflect the humility of Jesus and of those called to adore him. Trust the simple space, for there you will find Christ.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
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Image credit: Karolina Szczur, unsplash, CC0.

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