Love is the Law

Love is the Law

Readings for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself. How clearly Jesus distills the law. Yet, every so often our behavior might teach that love of God and neighbor don’t actually have to go together. However, most of us haven’t gone that far afield from Jesus’s teaching. But we could all certainly do much better in connecting the love and reverence we show God in our liturgy with the love and reverence we show one another within the liturgy. Perhaps we can follow more fervently these updated commandments:

  • You shall recognize God’s presence at the altar and in the unfamiliar person seated behind you, and greet both with reverence.
  • You shall hear God’s voice in the proclamation of the readings and in the cry of the infant, and you shall be attentive to both, receiving them joyfully.
  • You shall love God with all your heart in the Eucharist you share, and you shall love those who eat and drink with you, for they are your fellow members in the Body of Christ.
  • You shall take the love of God you have received into the world, starting with the stranger who stands alone after Mass.

If we do follow these, we shall not be far from the kingdom of God.

You shall take the love of God you have received into the world, starting with the stranger who stands alone after Mass. Share on X
This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
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Image credit: Tyler Nix, unsplash, CC0.

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