No one else in the course of history other than Mary of Nazareth has ever or will ever give birth to Jesus, the Son of God. No one else will give their own body to be the first home for Christ. And no one else will give her own self as food to feed the infant body of the one who will feed us all. In this, Mary is a singular disciple among all disciples.
Still, even though her role is unique, we can share in and follow her example of the ordinary ways she gave herself completely over to God’s desire to be close to humankind in Jesus.
Every disciple must be the “ark of God,” made not of cedar or stone but of the human heart, open and wide enough for God to dwell in and be found.
Like her, every disciple must be the “ark of God,” made not of cedar or stone but of the human heart, open and wide enough for God to dwell in and be found.
Like her, every disciple must be ready to listen for God’s disruptive message delivered by unannounced messengers, unscheduled detours, and unbearable, unbelievable news.
With Mary of Luke’s Gospel, every disciple must be courageous enough to speak up, question, and search for understanding, and humble enough to believe in God’s favor. For fear of the unknown and of our own inadequacy keeps us from doing what we can and saying yes to God, for whom nothing is impossible.
Photo Credit: Icodacci from Getty Images Signature
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