A generous heart

A generous heart

24th Sunday Ordinary Time – A – September 17, 2023

Some struggle with the Ignatian “Prayer for Generosity”: “Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous . . . to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, . . . to labor and not to seek reward, except that of knowing that I do your will.” We all want to be generous, but can we go too far? Can forgiving seventy-seven times, as Jesus instructs, devolve into unhealthy behavior?

We must be careful to not promote self-sacrifice and suffering that merely perpetuates injustice, persecution, or harmful behaviors. Mercy given in the name of Christ is always for the sake of doing God’s will, which is justice for the oppressed and wholeness and restoration for all. Grace cannot be grace without discipleship and the cross that transform everything.

We must be careful to not promote self-sacrifice and suffering that merely perpetuates injustice, persecution, or harmful behaviors. Share on X

God desires something more than just forgiveness without regard. God calls for our change of heart that we may be generous with what we have been given on behalf of those who can never repay us. In every situation, we have the power to do something for those with less power.

We can forgive and be patient with those striving to right their wrongs. We can challenge persecution and ask allies to intercede. And when we have reached our limit, we can turn to God, rich in compassion, that we may become ever more generous with others and ourselves.

Image credit: MKChiang from Getty Images.

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