The Turning Point

The Turning Point

22nd Sunday Ordinary Time – A – September 3, 2023

Today’s Gospel passage is part two of last week’s and is the turning point for Matthew’s entire Gospel. From here on, the way leads directly to Jerusalem and the cross.

Everything Peter got right last week is everything he gets wrong this week. In one moment, Jesus praises him; the next, he pulls him back down several notches, charging him with human folly and even diabolical treachery.

It’s a harsh but necessary dressing-down. Jesus “must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly.” There’s no getting around it. And not even Peter, the favorite disciple in Matthew’s Gospel, gets a pass. But thankfully for his sake and ours, Jesus is merciful.

No matter how right a disciple might be or how much charisma, wisdom, or influence they have, if they are not behind Jesus, putting him before themselves, they are an obstacle in the path—not to be cast aside but rather, put back into… Share on X

When he tells Peter, “Get behind me, Satan,” it sounds like what Jesus said to his tempter in the desert, “Get away, Satan!” (Mt 4:10). The Greek translation is similar between the two, but an added command to Peter reminds him of his place—that is, behind Jesus, that he might follow.

No matter how right a disciple might be or how much charisma, wisdom, or influence they have, if they are not behind Jesus, putting him before themselves, they are an obstacle in the path—not to be cast aside but rather, put back into place. It is a kindness that all of us will need at some point along the way to the cross.

Image credit: MarkD800 from Getty Images.

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