Increasing and flourishing

Increasing and flourishing

16th Sunday Ordinary Time – A – July 23, 2023

Attuned by last week’s commentary to go beyond merely judging the soil, we are ready to avoid a superficial reading of today’s parable that simply pits “us against them” in the sower’s resulting harvest. It is not for us to decide wheat from weed, just as it is not for us to withhold the seed of God’s reign.

If we have put on the easy yoke of obedience to Jesus, then our work as disciples is clear: “As you enter a house, wish it peace. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; if not, let your peace return to you” (Mt 10:12–13). From there, move on.

Humans are never as cut and dried as wheat and weeds. Within each of us is the potential to produce desirable fruit as well as invasive plant, even within the course of a day. Share on X

But oh, it sure feels good to know that we are “us” and they are “them,” right? Today’s parable, however, is Matthew’s cautionary tale that foreshadows the final judgment. There, not even the goats will know they are goats until it is time to separate them from the sheep (Mt 25:31–46).

Humans are never as cut and dried as wheat and weeds. Within each of us is the potential to produce desirable fruit as well as invasive plant, even within the course of a day. Thank God the Lord is merciful and forgiving! Let us focus then on the good we can do so that God may let it increase and flourish like the mustard seed.

Image credit: Difydave from Getty Images Signature.

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