Closer to God

Closer to God

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – A – August 6, 2023

In Scripture’s symbolic language, mountains aren’t just places. They are experiences that put us closer to God. Think of Moses going up Mount Sinai to receive the commandments, Elijah awaiting God’s presence atop Mount Horeb, or Jesus at the Mount of Olives the night before his crucifixion. Mountains are “thin places” where heaven and earth meet, and for a brief moment we see God clearly, or as much as human eyes and hearts can behold, and understand more keenly what we are to do.

However, we need not climb a mountain or retreat into mysticism to witness God’s wondrous and terrifying resplendence. Just ask any parent gazing upon their newborn’s face, or spouses savoring one another’s presence as they read in silence at the end of the day.

Transfiguration promises that within our ordinary lives is the life-changing presence of God, if only we listen for it. Share on X

In mundane moments like these come epiphanies of something sacred, fragile, and yet vast and enduring. Suddenly we comprehend the weight and breadth, height and depth of love so full it levels us, face down, in awe and dread that we should bear witness to such holiness in our humdrum life. In that moment, we receive from the Source of All Love a clarity that puts everything into place: “This is my beloved . . . listen.”

Transfiguration promises that within our ordinary lives is the life-changing presence of God, if only we listen for it.

Image credit: John Callery from Getty Images.

Read more reflections on the Sunday readings here:

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