Do not remain silent

Do not remain silent

12th Sunday Ordinary Time – A – June 25, 2023

The last time we proclaimed these readings was one month after George Floyd’s murder by police officers. Since that horrific day, many Catholic churches, bishops, and leaders have raised their voices against the sin of racism. Unfortunately, it has not been enough.

A number of influential Catholics have raised their own hue and cry, denying racism still exists. The greatest harm perhaps has been done by the majority of Catholic churches, bishops, and leaders who have remained silent.

"The doors of the church are no shield against racism. . . . If we love the Lord, why are we not trying to spread his truth and the Good News everywhere?" – Gloria Purvis Share on X

Gloria Purvis did not remain silent. A Black Catholic speaker and whole life advocate, she received complaints from other Catholics when she began talking about racism as a “sin that constitutes a serious offense against God” (Saint John Paul II, Angelus, August 26, 2001). Eventually her popular Catholic radio show was cancelled without reason by the Catholic media outlet that hosted her. She said in an interview:

The doors of the church are no shield against racism. . . . If we love the Lord, why are we not trying to spread his truth and the Good News everywhere? . . . Why instead are we so afraid that we won’t even take on that demon of racism in our country? . . . It is because we prefer to be comfortable. It’s because we are afraid. (Field Hospital podcast, July 6, 2022)

To our fear and silence, Jesus says to all of us today, “Do not be afraid.”

Image credit: Difydave from Getty Images Signature.

Read more reflections on the Sunday readings here:

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