Three liturgical tools

Three liturgical tools

21st Sunday Ordinary Time – C

There are three liturgical tools you need to master to be a competent and credible liturgical music director, especially if you are in charge of choosing music for Mass or other sacraments. We’ll take a closer look at each tool over the following weeks, but for now, here’s a general overview.

The first is the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar. Although the structure of the Mass is generally the same, there will be some differences based on when it occurs during the year. Whenever you choose music for Mass, the liturgical calendar is the first thing you consult because it will guide you in how to use the other tools.

There are three liturgical tools you need to master to be a competent and credible liturgical music director, especially if you are in charge of choosing music for Mass or other sacraments. Share on X

The second tool is the Catholic Lectionary. It regulates the readings to be proclaimed at Mass for any given day of the liturgical year. It also provides the reading options for each of the sacraments. The Lectionary dictates which psalm you sing for the responsorial psalm, the verse for the Gospel acclamation, and any other songs (called “sequences”) required for special days.

Finally, you need to know how to navigate the Roman Missal (formerly called the “Sacramentary”). This is the book of prayers for Mass. It also gives directions (or “rubrics”) for the priest, deacon, and other ministers, such as the cantor, and provides antiphons (short musical verses) assigned for each Mass.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
Image credit: arquiplay77 from Getty Images Pro.

Read more reflections on the Sunday readings here:

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