Prayers for the upcoming election

Here are some intercessions for the upcoming elections that you can adapt for use in your Sunday and weekday Masses and in your own personal prayers. You can also click on any of the images above, then right-click to save them to your computer for posting on your on website or social media platforms.
Click for a free PDF download of these intercessions

Let us pray for the world and all its leaders [silence]:
May leaders of nations have the courage to walk the path of peace together
so that the most vulnerable in their lands may live with dignity and hope. We pray.

Let us pray for our nation in this time of discernment, election, and transition [silence]:
May all citizens cast their vote in a spirit of reverence for this right,
charity for those they disagree with, and concern for the good of all
as we strive for a more perfect and peaceful union. We pray.

Let us pray for all Christians and people of faith and goodwill [silence]:
May the Creator of all grant us in Christ a spirit of wisdom and understanding,
counsel and knowledge, fortitude, right judgment, patience, and kindness,
as we discern what is good and just and follow our conscience. We pray.

Let us pray for all candidates who desire to serve in our national and local government [silence]:
May all seeking election commit themselves to the common good
and encourage a peaceful response
so that our nation may be faithful to its pledge of liberty and justice for all. We pray.

Let us pray for our presidential candidates [silence]:
May those who seek the immense responsibility of the highest office of the United States
know the peace that comes from God alone.
May they and their families be protected from harm,
the hearts of their opponents be softened by mercy,
the people they seek to lead show them respect,
and may God forgive them and each of us our faults. We pray.

Let us pray for reconciliation among families and friends divided [silence]:
May we learn to love each other despite our differences
and focus on the work that continues beyond this election:
the work of unity, respect for one another and for all life, and peace in our land. We pray.

Let us pray for the ones most affected by the choices we make [silence]:
In all we do, may we keep the merciful face of Christ ever before us
who is seen in those who are poor, refugees, or migrants,
those who are sick or without homes, those without food or meaningful work,
those unborn, and those whose lives are unvalued. We pray.
Click for a free PDF download of these intercessions

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