Priority Status

Priority Status

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I’m usually happy to let the last be first and the first go last. But take away one of my hard-earned travel perks that come with my airline’s priority status, and I become a raving maniac. How dare you, perky gate agent, let Group 4 passengers board the plane before I in Group 3 even line up!

It surprises me every time I feel that grumbling anger churning inside me at this perceived “injustice.” Don’t I deserve my benefits, just like those hardworking laborers in today’s Gospel who spent the entire day in the vineyard? Shouldn’t they (and I) get more than those who didn’t work as long and as hard?

God’s reign is gratuitous and abundant, overflowing and lavish. Heaven is opened to everyone at any time, from the beginning of your life to its very last moment. Share on X

Jesus’s simple parable today isn’t about justice or getting what you deserve. It’s about the landowner: “The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who . . .” Don’t focus on the workers or what they did or for how long. Focus instead on the landowner and how he gives. There is no time limit to God’s grace. There is no “more” or “less” of it. God’s reign is gratuitous and abundant, overflowing and lavish. Heaven is opened to everyone at any time, from the beginning of your life to its very last moment. With God, it is never too late or too early to get on board.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”
Image credit: Photo by Michelle Clement on Pexels.

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