Prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit

Prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit

Seventh Sunday of Easter – A – May 24, 2020

If you’re one of those lucky places in the United States that do get a Seventh Sunday of Easter, you’ll also have a chance to observe a novena in preparation for Pentecost. The nine days between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost are a traditional time to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit. But even if today is Ascension Sunday for you, you can still make the last week before Pentecost a sacred time of preparation.

Be sure to keep the Easter candle in its proper place during the Easter season—near the ambo or altar—and light it every time the assembly gathers. Neophytes (newly baptized adults) might be invited to share a brief testimony during Mass or in the bulletin of how they have witnessed the Holy Spirit active in their lives.

Today and each day of this week, incorporate a song or litany to the Holy Spirit. “Veni, Creator Spiritus” might conclude your liturgy today (and on Ascension Thursday) or be a song of praise after Communion. Share on X

Today and each day of this week, incorporate a song or litany to the Holy Spirit. “Veni, Creator Spiritus” might conclude your liturgy today (and on Ascension Thursday) or be a song of praise after Communion.

A word about Memorial Day. In the Mass, our focus is always on Christ. However, we can appropriately remember those who have died in service to this country in the intercessions or in a book of remembrance placed by the Easter candle or the font. Other more explicitly patriotic elements are better highlighted outside of Mass.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”

Image credit: Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash.

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