Leaving our comfort zones

Leaving our comfort zones

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus’s words today don’t bring much comfort. But our comfort isn’t the goal of faith in Christ. Following Christ will call us to do many uncomfortable things. Recall some of the gospels we’ve heard these past several weeks. When others bypass the foreigner on the road who has been beaten and robbed, we are to stop, help them even at our own risk, and tend to their wounds even at our own expense.

When we see a great multitude in need of food, we do not send them away to fend for themselves, but we bring what we have, as little as it may be, and share it with them. When someone in need comes to us, we persist in getting what they need even if it makes us annoying to our neighbors.

Jesus’s words today don’t bring much comfort. But our comfort isn’t the goal of faith in Christ. Share on X

Each of us has a comfort zone we are called to leave in order to follow Christ to Jerusalem. Introverts will need to just get over that when they see a stranger at Mass. We’ll have to use our vote more responsibly to work toward laws that assist those others would turn away.

We’ll need to speak up more often when no one else will. None of this might bring us comfort, but it will begin to accomplish our baptismal mission in Christ.

This post was first published in “GIA Quarterly: A Liturgical Music Journal.”

Image credit: Chris Slupski, Unsplash, CC0.

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