True Shepherding

True Shepherding

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 21, 2024

Today, Jeremiah preaches scathing words against false shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock. After reading that passage, I wanted to send it to a few people with a note: “Woe to you!” But then I’d be a false shepherd myself.

Using Scriptures as a weapon against our adversaries or a ramrod to force our point upon another will never end well. The word of God—especially from its prophets—scrutinizes all who hear it and acts like a mirror to turn our accusing finger back toward ourselves.

In our zeal to fix whatever we think is wrong in the church, let us not forget who the true shepherd is.

Jeremiah’s warning is this: In our zeal to fix whatever we think is wrong in the church, let us not forget who the true shepherd is. It’s not our favorite bishop, priest, or pastoral minister; not any of the disciples or the holiest of saints. Better catechesis, preaching, or music won’t fill our want; nor will the pope or any of us be the one to lead God’s people to restful waters.

The only shepherd who can truly save us is Jesus. The rest of us are in that boat with the disciples or standing among the crowd as Jesus looks upon us all, his heart moved with pity. May Jesus who put enmity to death by death break down the dividing walls between us, that all may be gathered in by the one who is our peace.

Photo Credit: guel64 from pixabay.

Read more reflections on the Sunday readings here:

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