The Fifth Sunday of Easter – B – April 28 2024
Much has happened in the Acts of the Apostles since last week’s passage. Peter, John, and the man they had healed are released from the religious leaders’ questioning but not from their scrutiny. The Christian community thrives as the Gospel spreads. But trouble is brewing, and his name is Saul.
An adherent of Jewish law, temple practice, and the political understanding of the awaited messiah, Saul viewed this Christian movement as a threat. No way would a messiah call for diversity and inclusion outside of the Jewish way of life. Better to nip this thinking in the bud than to let it infect the rest of the vine. Under his leadership, persecution of Christians intensifies.
Encountering Jesus changes everything. Mostly it changes us and how we see the world and one another.
The religious authorities jail and beat the apostles, and a mob fueled by Saul’s fervor hurls stones at Stephen, killing him, as they throw their cloaks at Saul’s feet in praise. No wonder the disciples couldn’t believe Saul was now a part of the vine he had just tried to destroy.
Encountering Jesus changes everything. Mostly it changes us and how we see the world and one another. It is not for us to tend the vine; that is for the Father, the vine-grower. May the one who pruned Saul’s heart of hatred prune our hearts as well, so that we may bear witness to Christ to whom all belong.
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